Asappara (朝っぱら - First Thing in the Morning)

Dec 16, 2017 15:58
These days, I'm annoyed with a neighborhood resident for singing loudly first thing in the morning.

If you want to express "in the morning," you can use the Japanese "asa kara" (朝から) or "asa ni" (朝に).

However, especially if you want to emphasize that it's early morning or it's a lack in common sense, you can imply it by using "asappara kara" (朝っぱらから) instead of "asa kara."

The "asappara" (朝っぱら) comes from "asahara" (朝腹) -- where the "asa" (朝) means "morning," the "hara" (腹) means "stomach," and the "asahara" means something like "one's empty stomach in the early morning (before breakfast)."

Because of this, "asappara" can imply that something happens early in the morning.


"In the morning" を表現するためには「朝から」や「朝に」という日本語を使うことができます。


「朝っぱら」は「朝腹」から来ており、「朝」は "morning," 「腹」は "stomach," そして「朝腹」は「朝食前の空腹」を意味します。

No. 1 raydotn's correction
  • However, especially if you want to emphasize that it's early morning or it's a lack in common sense, you can imply it by using "asappara kara" (朝っぱらから) instead of "asa kara."
  • However, especially if you want to emphasize that it's early morning or it's a lack of common sense, you can imply it by using "asappara kara" (朝っぱらから) instead of "asa kara."
Thank you so much for the correction! :)
No. 2 Fifi's correction
  • These days, I'm annoyed with a neighborhood resident for singing loudly first thing in the morning.
  • These days, I'm annoyed with a neighborhood resident for singing loudly first thing in the morning.
Interesting post. Why is your neighbor singing loudly in the morning?
Thank you so much for the correction!
> Why is your neighbor singing loudly in the morning?
I'm not sure, but he might want to get rid of his own stress.